
Connecting 784 universities across 53 countries, TELANTO is a dynamic marketplace where academic brilliance meets real-world challenges. We merge classroom theory with practical applications, preparing students for a globalized future.
The Global Nexus of Academia and Industry

”At TELANTO, we've ushered in a transformative era of academic-industry synergy. Our platform bridges the classroom with global challenges, ensuring theory becomes hands-on practice. It's not just about linking academia and business; TELANTO intertwines the depths of education with the vibrancy of real-world needs, molding the next generation of innovators.”

My Journey to Founding TELANTO

The world of academia was always a place of boundless potential for me. But I saw a gap, a bridge that was yet to be built between the theoretical brilliance of the classroom and the pragmatic challenges of the industry. The questions kept echoing in my mind: "What if students could not just learn but also 'do'? What if businesses could tap into this reservoir of fresh, academic talent?"
With these questions in hand, TELANTO was born out of a vision to revolutionize the learning experience. To craft an ecosystem where students could gain real-world experience while still in school. A space where businesses could harness innovative solutions from bright minds across the globe.
Developing TELANTO wasn't just about creating a platform; it was about redefining the dynamics of education and industry. It was a commitment to ensure that when a student graduates, they step out not just with a degree, but with a portfolio of practical experience and a global perspective.
My journey with TELANTO has been one of relentless pursuit – to see students thrive, to witness businesses innovate, and to bring the world a little closer together. Because at the heart of it all, TELANTO is not just a marketplace; it's my testament to the future of education and collaboration.

TELANTO in Their Words

Real Stories of Transformation: Bridging Academia and Industry Through Collaborative Innovation.
For more videos visit the YouTube channel

Get in touch

Are you as passionate about the future of education as I am? Whether you're keen on investing, forming a strategic partnership, or simply sharing your insights, I'd love to hear from you. I'm always open to new collaborations that align with my vision of transforming education. Fill out the contact form and let's explore how we can make a difference together!